Semi-retirement. I think I'm going to have to go into a semi-retirement.
Or as Threepio said: "Sir, if you'll not be needing me, I'll close down for awhile."
Basically, I'm having trouble getting computer time these days --
unrestricted computer time. My daughter needs the computer for school, so I defer to her. (We're doing some work on the house and the other PC's are in storage, more or less). Also, you may be aware, I'm on the road at least a week a month. In the past, that was always a good time to work -- I could usually get a connection in a hotel room and and undistracted time to write. We've had a change in policy at work however which says no blogging using any work equipment. Since I need my work-assigned laptop for these trips, that essentially means no blogging during the days I'm out of town. (And no blogging at lunch.)
I really enjoy doing this -- I like to work out problems through writing. I love the people I've met and the responses I've had.
I'm honored and humbled by the attention these thoughts have received. Folks have been very kind.
But this isn't good bye -- it really is just a powering down. I may only have 1 or w things a week. Or I may have more. Or I may have less.
And if things change, I'll be back in full. In the meantime there are a lot of good blogs out there and I look forward to reading these.
See you around.
grace and peace,
William P. Sulik